Well hello there are welcome to CAMPING IN CHAOS! I am Hayley, and you might know me from such blogs as Middle Class Mamas and Raven Reads! I am a lover of writing and tea ... yes i love tea, while I'm writing! I also am the proud mother to four amazing children, Mikayla, Zarah, Ellexah and Nate. They are featured on my About Me page if you want to check it out ;)
So I am back again with a new blog, as I want to share with you my camping adventures, what we see, what we learn and the places we travel. I didn't want to spam my personal account with camping pics and ideas and it didn't fit into Raven so here we are ... camping in chaos. I couldn't describe our adventures any better if I tried!
We leave with the best of intentions, have a laugh setting up our site and enjoy what we have around us while wrangling four little ones, snotty noses and bad attitudes are frequent too!
So thank you for coming along on the ride and I look forward to meeting you all, hearing your thoughts and sharing our adventures with everyone!
If you have any questions personal or PR related (I am PR friendly) please do not hesitate to drop me an email here!!
Thanks again and chat soon xx
Let me know what you think!